Friday, March 23, 2018

SOL 23/31 & Poetry Friday: Lured by a POP Display

Today I join my fellow bloggers in "serving up a slice" 
Thanks to Stacey, Betsy, Beth, Kathleen, Deb, Melanie, and Lanny
 for hosting this meeting place each day in March
and for nurturing our writing lives.

Head over to Writing the World for Kids
for this week's round-up of poetic goodness. 
Laura Purdie Salas shares a poem
from her newest picture book, Meet My Family
(and introduces us to Madness Poetry).
Thanks, Laura, for hosting our gathering!

It's a dangerous spot at Island Books, the POP (point of purchase) display. It's filled with cute little books that catch my eye and make me want to pick them up. Usually I snap pics of them and check to see if the library has a copy. But recently, one of those books made it into my purchase stack. And surprise . . . I have no buyer's remorse!

It had two things going for it from the get go. It was a book of poetry. It was about cats. Two of my favorite things in the world combined in the pages of one book. Are you ready for the cover reveal? I really wish you could feel it. The title is raised felt letters.
I finally sat down last night and read the entire book. What a total delight! From the back cover:  "Here you'll find both angst and attitude, humor and hubris...This collection of purr-ty good poetry offers something for every cat lover." Check out the Contents to see where this Kitten's Book of Verse will lead you.  
Three of my favorites from the first section include "The Rodent Not Taken," "Do Not Go Gentle into that Carrier for Pets," and "Box." 

"Box" begins with these lines -
"I wandered lonely as a tom
That stalked on high o'er couch and stair,
When all at once I saw an Amazon,
(A box, of golden brown)"

And if you want to read the rest of the poem, well, you'll have to buy the book (or see if your local library has a copy). Just remember, it's always great to support the poets in our lives. You'll find yourself in search of cat loving friends who will listen and enjoy this book with you. 
"Poems by cats. About cats.
and things that cats care about."
Did I mention the wonderful illustrations that accompany each poem?


  1. I am such a cat lover .. I get it! Cats are so amusing and you either get them or you don't. I glad you found that book!

  2. I have a student who would LOVE this book. I need to find a copy! Thanks for the heads up.

  3. The titles you shared gave me a chuckle. I'll bet this will be a hit in your classroom.

  4. I am going to have to look for that book. That just might be the way to get my cat-loving son to read poetry!

  5. I need to unsee this because I want that book! I have a new kitty and need to read poetry to her.

  6. A fun book... makes me miss our kitties who moved out with my daughter when she got married. I do get to see them when I visit, and she’s always sending pictures of their antics.

  7. What fun! Who can resist such titles?!

  8. Obviously there's no regret when poetry and cats are involved. This looks like a fun book. I love the sense of humor. Still laughing over No Rodent Left Behind.

  9. Buyer's remorse - I had never heard of this condition. I am glad that you didn't have it, and the book brought you joy.

  10. This sounds like a very fun book! They really know how to get you with those POP books. Glad you weren't disappointed.

  11. Hahahaha--oh my gosh. I LOVE this. Fabulous idea. Wish I had thought of it first. "Do Not Go Gentle into that Carrier for Pets," -- I will be chuckling about that for days.

  12. Such a delightful review of an interesting cat lover/poetry lover book. I was browsing through my collection of poetry today, Ramona.

  13. Sounds like great fun! Poems about cats. I may have to find it for my daughter. She would love it.

  14. This sounds like a really fun little book! I wonder if there is an accompanying dog lovers' book!

  15. That sounds like such a fun book store AND a great book. I have a feeling that a certain nine year old in my house would love that!

  16. What a play on famous poems in this clever book, Ramona. I will be sure to find it for my daughter, a true cat lover.

  17. Adorable! I'm a cat mom and poetry lover, so I know that I would enjoy this collection as well. I'll have to look for it at the library. Thanks for sharing.

  18. This is too much fun. I can see why this book made it home with you. I would have snatched it up, too!
