Saturday, April 14, 2018

NPM 2018: Why Poetry?

National Poetry Month 2018
"Give praise with friends near and far,
flinging words to the sky!"
- Amy Ludwig VanDerwater

“Poetry surprises and deepens our sense of the ordinary. Poetry tells us that the world is full of wonder, revelation, consolation, and meaning. ”
—Tracy K. Smith, U.S. Poet Laureate (2017– ) 

I love these words from our current poet laureate. I discovered them on the header at Academy of American Poets today. I wanted to save them so they became today's Why Poetry? post. 

My weekly celebration post is coming tomorrow. There's an event I'm attending tonight that I want to include.


  1. I love reading all the wonderful poetry quotes, and this is a new one. Thanks, Ramona!

  2. Like Linda, I love poetry quotes. This is definitely one I want to save. Beautiful!
