Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Slice of Life: My Dream Job, Book Consultant!

It's my dream job. Just hanging around a bookstore (or a library) recommending books to other people. I know booksellers and librarians do lots more than this, but this is what I would want to do if I worked in a bookstore or a library.

I was in Island Books, our local independent bookstore, when I heard a voice, "Of course, Ramona is here!" After adding to the stack of choices for our Tween Book Club's August read, I stepped up to this individual (whom I hadn't recognized) and asked, "What did you mean by the comment? 'Of course, Ramona's here.'" 

As she reassured me that a bookstore was a perfectly logical place to encounter me, I recalled that she teaches at our middle school (I always have trouble placing folks when I see them out of context). She shared that she will have three foster daughters arriving at her home soon. And just like that, I stepped into my dream job to scan shelves and share titles with her. It was a perfectly delightful way to spend part of a summer day! 
 It’s Slice of Life Tuesday! 
Click over to Two Writing Teachers to read more slices!


  1. Yes, a dream! And your aside about placing people out of context is so comforting! Glad to know I’m not the only one...

  2. OH MY, this is my dream job as well! I spend WAY too much time sitting on the floor of my local book store (in walking distance - a just perfect walk I might add). Sometimes I wonder why they don't kick me out....but I always leave with a stack of books and they also see to like my "book reviews." My grandson is well on his way to following in our footsteps.

  3. My fingers felt the books and my heart sped up just reading about the fun of selecting new books. You inspire me, Ramona!

  4. I don't always read your posts, but this is such a wonderful story, Ramona. I think you could be a bookstore consultant. Dream on!

  5. Dream job ...I have actually had dreams about being in bookstores and libraries. I am always so excited, so filled with expectancy. In one of them a little stream was flowing right through the floor; water is a symbol of life, sustaining life, deeply spiritual - well, there you have it! My subconscious telling me the value of such places!

  6. You have dreamed strongly so it is becoming true. First maybe accidentally and then perhaps some more and more.
