Friday, January 17, 2020

Poetry Friday: Snow Globe Wishes

Head over to Catherine's blog,
 Reading to the Core  for this week's
round-up of poetic goodness.

It's mid January and holiday books continue to arrive on my holds shelf at the library. December's requests are starting to thin out and I've moved into first place. I'm never sure who has recommended them. Betsy Bird? NYT Book Review? Hornbook? Indiebound? But I'm always thrilled to explore a new-to-me book.

Erin Dealey's Snow Globe Wishes arrived this week and deserves to be highlighted for this week's post. Did you see how I worked my OLW (light) into this review? But the connections extend to the actual book which tells what happens in a family when the worst snowstorm of the year arrives and "Lights go out!"

"Picnic dinners,
Darkness draws us close tonight."

As the family begin to slumber in their blanket fort, a little girl makes
"Snow globe wishes.
                 Close your eyes." 

As morning dawns (daylight), a whisper from the snow is heard. 
"Children hear it best, they say.
                 what if
                                     on this snow globe day . . . ?"

" . . . neighbors, strangers, sisters, brothers?"

"  . . . EVERYONE comes out to play?"

The final page reveals a snow globe with the entire community hand-in-hand circling around a tree.

"Peace on earth
    Right now.
      Right here.

              Peace for all

                   throughout the year!" 

Does your soul need some light?
Revel in the spirit of winter and the promise that snow globe wishes can come true. You'll be charmed by the rhyming text and portrayals of light - headlights, firelight, candlelight, lantern light, moonlight, starlight, and daylight. Illustrator Claire Shorrock delivers diverse family groups in her illustrations with a lovely light yellow and teal palette complete with glittery snowy embellishments on the front and back covers. I'm adding it to next year's wish list for my Christmas book collection. 


  1. This books sounds deLIGHTful Ramona. Thanks for sharing your review.

  2. Ooh, I have that same problem of never remembering where I got the book rec in the first place, and it's terrible, because when I love the book, I am filled with gratitude and want to share the experience with someone else who loved the book, and tell the recommend-er how they've impacted my life.... only I can't remember WHO! Blogging about it is a good way to cover the bases. Thank you! xo

  3. Ramona, I do see how your OLW is seeping into your life to LIGHT up your reading time. This books sounds wonderful. I love snowglobes so this is a unique take on showcasing them.

  4. You "light" up my life today with your clever post, Ramona! I'll look for this book!

  5. This book looks deLIGHTful. Thank you for sharing it and shedding light on the story. I had hoped we would have a snow globe day this weekend, but I think it's going to miss us.

  6. Ha! I love it when a OLW shines in our life. This looks like a good read for today! Thanks for the rec.

  7. I love reading about this book, but most of all I'm sharing in the joy of reserves that show up at the library as if by magic...because I can't remember who recommended them in the first place! I had two of those just yesterday!

  8. So sweet and charming! I just got new glasses and can't focus very well this morning so I couldn't read your yellow words at all, but I can tell from the comments what your OLW is!

  9. This book is on my request list. The "line" is long! Thank you for keeping my excitement going!
