Friday, May 28, 2021

Sharing Our Stories: A Flower is the Blossom of Any Plant

Oh, my goodness, flowers! They fill my heart with joy. They gladden my eyes with their beauty. They turn my gratitude to God who created flowers for our enjoyment. 

The next thought that flitted through my mind was, "Is a blossom a flower?" And I found the reassurance I was seeking on the internet with this answer to my query, "A flower is the blossom of any plant, including trees." Whew! 

I knew this post would have to be a sharing of flowers from my little corner of the world. I wish I could claim all these flowers, but they come from walks I've enjoyed. I limited myself to a dozen photos taken this year in the merry month of May.

A surprise bouquet from daughter and grandsons!

This one comes from daughter's back yard!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our
neighborhood deer will not discover my
geraniums. They ate all the blooms last year.

This lovely pink rose from my own roses 
is for my beautiful sis, Kay!
She celebrates a birthday in May and adores pink.
To savor the magic of story, link your post at Sharing Our Stories.


  1. I knew you’d come with some flowers! And they are beautiful- can’t pick a favorite! Might be the pink rose... or the purple iris...the cheery geraniums budding welcome to the rocking chair and front door...

  2. Haha... serendipitous typo... I was thinking “bidding welcome”... looked after I tapped publish and it was “budding!”

    1. I read it as bidding, but I like budding welcome!

  3. Oh my, glorious pictures and loving your writing. They are a gift from God, for sure. I'm sharing this with Dave. XO

  4. What lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  5. These pictures are gorgeous!

  6. You are surrounded by so many blessings!
