Thursday, September 9, 2021

Sharing Our Stories: A Profusion of Photos!

I love to join my friends at Sharing Our Stories on Thursdays!

We've been anticipating this trip for weeks!

Hello, Grandpa!
Hello, Grandma!
 Introducing Lily!

Want to learn about the solar system and dinosaurs?
Hang out with a five year old!

The Dinosaur Park moved to a five star rating when Teddy discovered the playground. We didn't know if it had a playground, but Teddy assured us that a park would DEFINITELY include a playground,

and he was right!

The playground even had a dinosaur you could touch!

We spent lots of time outside.

Teddy played baseball with sidewalk spectators.

And captured a grasshopper to examine closely!

We played Go Fish  
and enjoyed dinner on the deck each night with 
a  light show one evening,
complete with thunderous sound effects!

When Baba and Aunt Amy joined us one evening, Ruthie became very animated.

She's still a bit hesitant about walking, but a stroller walk is good! 


 And Dad is her favorite buddy.
A lapful of love!
Teddy's decided that we always make Muddy Buddies when I visit. 
 And shaking is the most important step!

A group pic to savor until we can gather again!


  1. Pure love and happiness!

  2. This is so much precious! I'm so glad you got to spend time surrounded by all this love!
