Thursday, May 2, 2024

Spiritual Journey Thursday & Poetry Friday: Growth

 Jone Rush MacCulloch, our May host for Spiritual Journey Thursday, invited us to write about growth. Buffy Silverman is hosting Poetry Friday with a Snakey Edition. I composed this haiku to do double duty for SJT and PF.


Spring celebrates green

new growth erupts from brown limbs

fresh hope fills our hearts


I also wanted to share the poem "How It Might Continue" which I discovered in How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope edited by James Crews.


How It Might Continue by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Wherever we go, the chance for joy,

whole orchards of amazement—


one more reason to always travel

with our pockets full of exclamation marks,


so we might scatter them for others

like apple seeds.

You can read the rest of the poem here


I adore the varied shades of green that fill our spring days with gladness and cheer and hope. Join me in a stroll trhough these pics of green glory snapped over the years on my springtime walks.

The last two photos were taken in grandson Jack's first grade classroom
where I shared poems from my many pockets during poetry month.


  1. Ramona, your post is full of growth. The nature photos show the beauty of the earth as it is renewing itself. The students are growing in the joy of poetry that you bring to them. The last line of your haiku is so important because we all need hope. Bob

  2. Ramona, I love having you showcase an image poem in my Galleries so I blended your haiku and photos into a design that will sit on the Poetry Parade Padlet for now. I hope you enjoy what I created with your beautiful eye for nature's beauty. The children look very interested in your presentation.

  3. Ramona, I love love love spring green, especially the tips of firs --neon in the forest beyond my deck. I enjoyed walking in the forest this morning. Teeny signs of spring have begun. Mule ear, grasses, and lichen sponges shaken from tree limbs. Growth arrives!

  4. Diane Keeps Writing aka newtreemom

    What a beautiful pairing of green growth and fresh hope, both brought by Spring! And what fun to see you at school again! Pockets full of poems!

  5. I liked your post and all the beautiful shades of green. Green is my favourite colour. Thank you.
