Thursday, August 15, 2024

Poetry Friday: Another Mushroom Haiku

 surprising mushroom

interrupts my earnest steps

flower wannabe

the older I get
the slower I walk
the more I notice
 Janice Scully at Salt City Verse is hosting our Poetry Friday gathering.  
Stop by to savor more poetic goodness!


  1. Oh, that blue! It is a 'flower wannabe'! And your 2nd one, truth! Happy weekend, Ramona!

  2. I've noticed lots of mushrooms this fall, so many "flower wannabes." They can look like flowers but then the colors disappoint, but as mushrooms they are still beautiful.

  3. Oooh, that one really is a wannabe! And the second haiku? Truth!

  4. What wonderful haikus. Thanks for sharing these and the mushroom inspiration - "flower wannabe" is the perfect description!

  5. So many mushrooms out this time of year! I'll have to start looking more closely because that one is beautiful, as are your haikus.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ramona, thanks for the lovely floral-looking mushrooms and the 2nd haiku on aging, made me laugh. I had the 3 grands since yesterday and just delivered them back to their parents after a delicious dinner out and ice cream to follow-up. Enjoy your grandchildren this weekend. Now I will have quiet to finish my blog and link it tonight.

  7. Three cheers for slower walks and more noticing!

  8. Me, too (your last poem)! Here's to walking slow!

  9. I love to walk slow and notice nature. Our woods are rife with fungi right now - I mean hundreds of them in different species, I stop to take pictures most days. Keep walking, keep noticing!
