Thursday, June 9, 2022

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Celebrations

I spaced out and totally forgot our SJT last week. I didn't even realize that the the first Thursday of the month had passed, but thanks to our friend Margaret, here we are, one week late. I selected Celebrations as my theme for June, probably because June is my birthday month. But celebrating feels hard right now. I like that when we got together via email (thanks, Margaret!), someone suggested we write about small celebrations.

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalms 118:24)

In no particular order, here are some recent celebrations (both large and small): 

June 1 marked the end of my quarantine from a mild case of Covid! 

Our rental has air conditioning. My family laughed when I mentioned that it was something I was looking for in a rental. It's a rarity in the Pacific NW and no small thing to celebrate. 

I've been so busy saying goodbye to all my flowering plants at home (we've lived here 25 years), that I hadn't even looked around the yard at our rental, soon-to-be home.

These day lilies are just beginning to bloom! 
Our rental is this lovely shade of blue and we have a yellow front door.

And these rhododendrons in the front yard.


This deer who grazed beside me on Tuesday's walk 

while I walked slowly and snapped photos.

"She didn't hurry./ She wasn't afraid.

I saw her eyes/ and she saw/ mine.

That look/ held us/ together." 

 (I'm In Charge of Celebrations by Byrd Baylor) 

Our new place is walking distance from a state park.

A Wednesday evening spent with a favorite group of friends, our book club. And yes, I'll be traveling 30 minutes to be together with these ladies once a month. We've headed for our 25th anniversary year soon.

I never tire of celebrating life with the grands, an ever present comfort (whether in person, by Zoom, or by photos snapped and sent to me).


This new growth green that is soft as a baby's bottom. 
I love it and celebrate its arrival every year! 
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