to the Tuesday Slice of Life (SOL) community.
Thanks to Stacey, Betsy, Beth, Kathleen, Deb, Melanie, and Lanny
for hosting this meeting place each Tuesday and nurturing our writing lives.
What do three retired friends do on the day after Thanksgiving break? We shopped, we lunched, we debriefed.
My new favorite stops at the outlet mall are the kid stores - Carter's, Osh Kosh B'Gosh, and Kid Gap. I took advantage of great sales to pick up some gifts for my grand boys. I also picked up a stocking stuffer and a new purse for myself. After traipsing all over the outdoor outlet mall, we headed to a cafe for lunch. I was surprised when the taste of my navy bean and ham cup of soup transported me right back to being a kid and Campbell's Bean with Bacon Soup. And lastly, we debriefed our latest PBS shows. We're not always able to talk about them because a certain party (who shall remain unnamed) still hasn't watched them. But yesterday, everyone had finished "Poldark" and "The Collection." We enjoyed discussing the cliffhangers, favorite characters, and the choices we wish they had made. Now it's time to wait for a new season.
The three of us are definitely enjoying this new season of our lives. We've learned that we have to plan the next time we'll get together or it doesn't happen (especially since Karen has moved out of our community). Next week, we're headed to the movies to see "Wonder."