Today I join my fellow bloggers in "serving up a slice"
to the March Slice of Life Story Challenge community.
Thanks to Stacey, Betsy, Beth, Kathleen, Deb, Melanie, and Lanny
for hosting this meeting place each day in March
and for nurturing our writing lives.
When we pause to celebrate, we find the joy.
A week filled with moments to celebrate and remember.
Each week I join Ruth Ayres and a few friends
to celebrate the week. It's a great way to focus
on the positive things that happened in the past week.
to celebrate the week. It's a great way to focus
on the positive things that happened in the past week.
Day 31 has arrived!
I celebrate
the beautiful writing
of my slicer friends,
the delightful connections
we make as we share our lives,
and the growth we experience
from this month of
writing together
for 31 days!
Oodles of gratitude to the folks at TWT
who bring us together each year for this
challenging, yet fulfilling month of writing.
Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
More celebrations from this week:
Treat from a friend left on the porch
No note, but her signature ribbon
and happy packaging gave her away!
Jack's cousins arrive for Easter weekend
(He's the short one with the red ball.)
A sunny afternoon walk with Lance
with lots of stops to snap pics
of blossoms along the way
(He's the short one with the red ball.)
with lots of stops to snap pics
of blossoms along the way
Five years ago I was inspired by newtreemom's Easter Hymn,
and tried my hand at composing a hymn poem.
I share it again (with a few changes in formatting)
to celebrate the gift of Jesus Christ
this Easter season.
Because I Have Been Given Much
There Is Sunshine in my Soul Today
The Lord Is My Light
Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
Where Can I Turn for Peace
Where Can I Turn for Peace
I Need Thee Every Hour
God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son
God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son
I Stand All Amazed
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today