Thursday, January 2, 2025

Spiritual Journey Thursday and Poetry Friday: How I Gathered in 2024 & My Word for '25

Margaret at Reflections on the Teche is hosting our first Thursday Spiritual Journey posts with a call to share our OLW for 2025. She selected this beautiful waterfall photo to accompany our 2025 writing journeys.

One of the challenges of choosing a OLW involves looking back at the previous year's word. I kept "gather "for a 2nd year since 2023 became a wild ride when we decided to follow our daughter and family in a move from Washington state to North Carolina. Suddenly, I found myself purging once again (not gathering) in preparation for a move to a smaller space. I kept the same poem I had written in 2023 with the addition of one line for 2024.

What Will I Gather in 2024

Words, Moments, Stories

Wonders, Revels, Enchantments

Photos, Empty Boxes, Loose Ends

Friends, Loved Ones, Ancestors 

Hope, Goodness, Faith

Laughter, Love, Light

- Ramona Behnke

What did I manage to gather in 2024? 

I gathered with the UT grands in March (after Roots Tech), in July for Teddy's baptism, in September (after the Restore conference) and in November for Thanksgiving. 

I gathered with a group of friends in Utah to attend the Faith Matters: Restore conference in September.

I gathered coats for our friends in western NC after Hurricane Helene. 

I gathered supplies for gift bags for preschoolers whose parents are attending English classes at New Arrivals Institute. 

I gathered photos of mushrooms (delighted each time I spotted a new variety), the glorious hues of fall, and the sky (ever a favorite)! 

But my very favorite photo gathering has to be the grands. I revel in the enchantments and wonders they bring to my life. 


Standing on the cusp of 2025, unsure of what lies ahead, 

I  choose to gather hope, goodness, and faith

Surely laughter, love, and light will follow!

 It's time to unveil my OLW for 2025:

Shortest word I've ever chosen.  

Drum roll, please . . .  

Cue the confetti! 

My word is


- Ramona Behnke

For more on why I chose "be", stay tuned for a future blog post.

Poetry Friday is hosted by Mary Lee Hahn this week. She invites us to the poetry playground with wisdom from the Conjunctions who hail from the Land of Grammar.