Margaret at Reflections on the Teche is hosting our first Thursday Spiritual Journey posts with a call to share our OLW for 2025. She selected this beautiful waterfall photo to accompany our 2025 writing journeys.
One of the challenges of choosing a OLW involves looking back at the previous year's word. I kept "gather "for a 2nd year since 2023 became a wild ride when we decided to follow our daughter and family in a move from Washington state to North Carolina. Suddenly, I found myself purging once again (not gathering) in preparation for a move to a smaller space. I kept the same poem I had written in 2023 with the addition of one line for 2024.
What Will I Gather in 2024?
Words, Moments, Stories
Wonders, Revels, Enchantments
Photos, Empty Boxes, Loose Ends
Friends, Loved Ones, Ancestors
Hope, Goodness, Faith
Laughter, Love, Light
- Ramona Behnke
What did I manage to gather in 2024?
I gathered with the UT grands in March (after Roots Tech), in July for Teddy's baptism, in September (after the Restore conference) and in November for Thanksgiving.
I gathered with a group of friends in Utah to attend the Faith Matters: Restore conference in September.
I gathered coats for our friends in western NC after Hurricane Helene.
I gathered supplies for gift bags for preschoolers whose parents are attending English classes at New Arrivals Institute.
I gathered photos of mushrooms (delighted each time I spotted a new variety), the glorious hues of fall, and the sky (ever a favorite)!
But my very favorite photo gathering has to be the grands. I revel in the enchantments and wonders they bring to my life.
Standing on the cusp of 2025, unsure of what lies ahead,
I choose to gather hope, goodness, and faith.
Surely laughter, love, and light will follow!
It's time to unveil my OLW for 2025:
Shortest word I've ever chosen.
Drum roll, please . . .
Cue the confetti!
My word is
- Ramona Behnke
For more on why I chose "be", stay tuned for a future blog post.