Saturday, July 8, 2023

SJT: Rejoice in a Sun-Kissed Summer Season

               Carol Varsalona is hoting this month's Spiritual Journey Thursday with the theme, Rejoice in a Sun-Kissed Summer Season.

I fully intended to write on Thursday, but here I am, one day late with nothing to say. You see, my sun-kissed summer season was stolen from me last year when we moved from our home of 25 years to be closer to daughter and her family. And then this year, summer's leiusre was plucked right out of my hands again when daughter and husband and three boys made the decision in May to move to North Carolina. They arrived last week. We join them in two weeks. Life is hectic and chaotic and far from leisurely.

So I did what any self-respecting blogger would do! I searched my archives and found this slice of summer written ten years ago, We Dream of July and Summer Tomatoes. In the interim, I'll cling to the hope that I may settle in for some leisure and sun-kissed tomatoes (from the farmer's market) in August.

We do have cause for rejoicing. Daughter and son-in-law sold their home and found a home in NC in record time. They closed on their new home today and their truck arrives on Sunday. We found a place just two minutes away from them. Stay tuned for more of our summer adventures (when I can find the time to write).

Saturday addition: As I lay in bed last night, I recalled many happy memories we've already made this summer. I'm including a few pics just so you know it's not all doom and gloom and purge and pack at my place! 
Check out our ice cream licking, rocket stomping, blooming roses and dogwoods, snuggling for stories, inspecting the classic car and art at The Lodge, swinging and sliding at St. Edward's Park, FaceTiming with Lily (who'll turn two tomorrow), playing at the Children's Museum, and waving goodbye to these boys on their way to NC!



It's easy to see why we're following these boys to NC!


  1. Ramona, life sometimes is not what we picture it to be but we hope we find the right elements to bring some sunshine back into the picture. I commend you for reconfiguring your life this summer, embarking on a new adventure, and being brave enough to make another change. I just went back in time to read your 2013 slice of life. It triggered a memory of me with my Nonnie in her vegetable garden. I savor that thought. Be at peace with all the hustle and bustle of life, Ramona. I wonder if someday we can get together now that you are on the East coast.

  2. Ramona, life is constantly throwing us curves and the way we react is a sign of our resilience and the hope we have for the future. Your beautiful pictures are filled with happiness and joy. Safe travels for all.

  3. Ramona, it has taken me a while to circle back around to reading more SJT posts...I've been keeping my granddaughters a few days each week while I'm out for the summer. Everything else gets pushed aside, as my Micah is 20 months old now and into everything! I sense the absolute joy here in these vitally precious moments with your little grandsons. I celebrate this time of transition with you, as it brings you to the wonderful state of NC! And now you have me craving - as I do every summer - home-grown tomatoes. They are the best! Here's to fortitude while accomplishing all you must for this new and joyful journey.
