Friday, September 20, 2024

Poetry Friday: Three Haiku (+ some pics) Reveal a Utah Trip

A grand adventure

picnics outside, stories read, bread baked,

each moment treasured.



Friends gather to share

faith, food, laughter, challenges

cherished connections.

A backyard surprise

to share with family and friends

sweet, juicy peaches.

- Ramona Behnke
 Join us at the poetry playground for Poetry Friday, 
hosted today by Linda Baie at Teacher Dance.


  1. Ramona, I just added a sweet, soft peach into my morning cereal. Yummy! I always love your pics of nature, firends, and especially grandkids. May you enjoy the wonders of life with your little ones and/or friends this weekend.

  2. Thanks for sharing such sweet times in poetry and photo form!

  3. Ramona, your life is bursting with ripe peaches! : )
