Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Calendar Wisdom

Join me on my writing journey each week as I post to the Tuesday Slice of Life sponsored by Stacey and Ruth from Two Writing Teachers.  
"Accomplish more by working less."  A tear off calendar page with these simple words has beckoned from my bulletin board for four months.  I must admit that I'm no closer to figuring out how to apply these five words to my teaching life.  This must be my summer quest.  Can you recommend a book to help me in my quest?  I've always felt that any problem in my life can be solved with the right book!
Now with four days of school left and my son's wedding the following week, this was today's calendar wisdom.  "The quickest way to progress from A to B is not to work the hardest."  
One simple word - How?


  1. I recommend Anne Morrow Lindbergh's book, "A Gift From the Sea"...it's a book that never fails to ground me as the summer begins. Good luck with the wedding!!! What an amaziong milestone!

    1. Tara, I love this book and I've read it several times, but not recently. I plan to put it in my summer stack. When I read it, I always have the urge for a beach vacation and slow days to savor!

  2. I understand your question, but have no answer for you. Easy to say, but hard to figure out how to apply these words of wisdom. Enjoy the wedding! My son's wedding was one of the best days of my life.
