to the Tuesday Slice of Life (SOL) community.
Thanks to Stacey, Betsy, Beth, Kathleen,
Deb, Melanie, Lanny, and Kelsey
Deb, Melanie, Lanny, and Kelsey
for hosting this meeting place each Tuesday
and nurturing our writing lives.
and nurturing our writing lives.
My afternoons with grandson Jack follow a fairly predictable routine. After lunch, we play a bit, get some milk, do a diaper change, and head to the rocker to read and drink. After reading two or three books, Jack is zipped into his sleep sack, he grabs his pacifier and lovey, and we head back to the rocker for a couple of songs before he's down for a nap.
It's a routine that he's very familiar with, and it's very comforting for him. Except for one day last week when we lost his lovey!
I was sure that it was somewhere close by, but after a quick scan of the rooms of the house, we had to get more intentional about our search. I told Jack we were looking for his lovey and he helped me look, even getting down on the floor with me to peer under the furniture and helping me look in the drawers and cupboards that he frequently opens.
Finally, in desperation, I texted his mom (my daughter): "I can't find this boy's lovey. Anything he'll take as a substitute?"
And her response: "What?!? It's not on the bed?"
I replied, "He had it this morning after a diaper change."
And she texted, " Hmmm, you could try Larry (his bear) or Ed (his elephant) or his little white bunny."
I grabbed the bear and the bunny, zipped Jack back into his sleep sack (we'd taken it off while searching the house), and headed for the rocker. When I handed him the bear, he threw him across the room. Same treatment for the little white bunny. There was no way this boy was going to sleep without his lovey.
So we zipped out of the sleep sack again to resume our frantic search of the house, looking again in all the same places, just in case we had overlooked his blue lovey (which coincidentally is a bunny). By this point I was almost in tears and wishing that the spare lovey (sequestered at my house) was hanging out here instead. As we headed out of the kitchen, I noticed a spot of blue in the kitchen sink. I stepped back, peered into the sink, and sure enough there was Jack's lovey!
And that's when I remembered that after I had changed Jack's dirty diaper, we headed to the garage with the diaper (all tied up in a plastic newspaper bag). And then I stopped off at the kitchen sink to wash my hands. And that's when Jack must have dropped his lovey in the sink!
Quick as a bunny, we zipped back into the sleep sack, grabbed the pacifier, and Jack snuggled up with his lovey. I'm not sure who was more relieved, Jack or Grandma. He was asleep before I could even finish one verse of a favorite song! And the extra lovey at Grandma's house? It's living at Jack's house now. Maybe it's time for Grandma to order another one for her house.
Here's Jack enjoying his lovey
and a story with Grandpa on Friday.
This is the sweetest story! I hope Jack enjoys reading it someday when he is older. It made me want to hold a cuddly baby in a sleep sack again. My children are 7 and 5 so those cuddly baby days are over for now! Enjoyed reading this story about Jack and his lost lovey.
ReplyDeleteI love this story. Reminds me of the book Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems. My oldest daughter had a bear that she couldn't part with at bed time. One night when she was two, and we were staying overnight away from home, we had left her bear at home! It took a lot of consoling and reasoning to get her to sleep with a substitute bear! For my youngest, it was a special blanket.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a sweet story, though I imagine it was a bit stressful at the time. (I had to laugh at the strong rejection of those non-lovey items.) I heard those Knuffle Bunny echoes, too! By the way, my husband's mother used to give him dryer lint to rub when he lost his blankie! Maybe you can keep that in mind for next time. lol
ReplyDeleteRamona, Jack wears a sleep sack for bed just like Sierra. I think it is a wonderful accessory that signalsit is time to relax and sleep. Sierra does not have a lovey yet. She does like her wub a dub pacifier. I see Jack likes his pacifier too and is definitive about what he wants.
ReplyDeleteLove the picture of you and Jack searching together. Glad for the happy ending!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a sweet slice, Ramona, one many mothers and grandmothers can relate to. I love the nap time rituals, and the Grandpa special at the end. BTW, I think you were more relieved than Jack.
ReplyDeleteI always dreaded those times when a special stuffie went missing. Most times it was found though - thankfully.Lovely post - nice to be able to remembeer!
ReplyDeleteI always dreaded those times when a special stuffie went missing. Most times it was found though - thankfully.Lovely post - nice to be able to remember!
ReplyDeleteHappy ending. I was worrying along with you, and sighed in relief when you found the lovely.