Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sharing Our Stories: Writing Habits

I've been mulling over my writing habits since Thursday's prompt for SOS arrived. When I awoke at 5 am, I decided to indulge in a couple of my favorite habits - sipping and meandering. For more than a few years, my Saturday morning habits included an early morning Weight Watchers class followed by a raspberry hot chocolate infused writing session at a nearby Starbucks before I tackled Saturday morning errands.

I tiptoe downstairs to make a cup of hot chocolate, plump the pillows, and settle in, laptop in lap for another favorite habit, meandering the posts of my writing buddies. I decide that I'll leave a comment on each post to the SOS prompt before beginning to write. I revel in the early morning songs of the birds, delight in my friends' exquisite word choices, and decide that my favorite writing habit is time spent in the company of my writing friends.

I often arrive with no thought or intention other than it's time to write a post. But after strolling through a few blog posts, I'm ready to write. So whether it's a favorite word (isn't dappled just the most delicious word?) that gets my creative juices flowing, or the poems posted by my Poetry Friday friends, or the sharing of a favorite book tucked into a story of hospitality, my meanderings lead me to discover something to share. And today it was my favorite writing habits: sipping, meandering, writing, and napping. Yes, the best part of an early morning writing session on Saturday is the chance to snuggle back under the covers for a few more winks before the day begins in earnest!

And here's a Saturday serendipity that popped up on my feed this morning: The Nine Habits to Increase Your Energy. Please excuse me while I indulge in Habit #3: 20 minute naps!

To savor the magic of story, link your post at Sharing Our Stories.


  1. Meandering is one of my favorites! I wish I could do a 20 minute nap... it always morphs into too- long to be just a nap for me!

  2. I love this - sipping, meandering, writing, and napping. I'm putting these words in my writing notebook. I want to remember them. Thank you!

  3. Ramona, "dappled" IS a most delicious word - and you have given many examples of the benefits of writing early in the morning, indeed! I always appreciate every pleasure that emanates from your page... er, screen! fro there are so many.

  4. Saturday naps are wonderful things. I so love reading your writing--I always look forward to it!

  5. Loving that you go to Starbucks after your Weight Watchers meeting. The best part of my habit definitely involves sipping, writing and commenting. This routine has changed up because of our visit to see Jack... in Colorado; it's only been a year! XO

  6. I have been pondering my writing habits as well, and I have discovered that I really don't have any! My Saturday mornings are leisurely too - but they certainly don't start at 5 AM! :)

  7. I love the word meandering! And this post is so joy-full!
