We just returned from a few days at the Oregon coast with daughter's family. We've dubbed the places we stay "vacation houses" and we loved experiencing the Oregon coast with two of our grandchildren. Two year old Robby was amazed and kept repeating, "Oh, my golly!" (we're not sure where he picked up this phrase) in response to each new space as we toured the house.
Their family shared the upstairs, complete with a large sitting area perfect for evening story time. Robby's bedroom was a large, walk-in closet, with ample room for his pack and play. Four year old Jack slept in a big bed and loved the space where he could unpack his toys and clothes and place them on open shelves. He even had his own bathroom.
Jack was enthralled with his new Lego garbage truck set and went to work assembling it right away. Robby loved his new Truck book, complete with tabs and flaps for many different kinds of vehicles. Grandpa hauled in a bin of toys from our house, I brought in my book bag, and the fun began.
The next morning we headed out for a morning at the beach. The wind had died down a bit overnight. We had sand toys, kites, jackets, windbreakers, morning snack choices, and I even brought my book. (Sometimes I just can't help myself.) It seemed appropriate to be reading Kristin Hannah's The Four Winds on a windswept beach. Although it was a bit chilly, we were rewarded with a gorgeous blue sky backdrop for our colorful kite flying fun. Jack loved standing in the hole his dad dug in the sand, and Robby liked being buried in the sand. Afternoon activities (after nap and quiet time) included a visit to a park, assembling a floor
puzzle of a construction site (24 pieces) and cajoling Grandpa to play
ball in the garage which consisted of dropping balls into the pockets of
a billiard table.

Our 2nd full day began with another beach excursion, this time with overcast skies and more wind. It was a bit shorter, but followed up by hot chocolate to accompany morning snack back at the vacation house. Late afternoon activities included a hike in the nearby woods, games of Red Light, Green Light with Grandpa, making muddy buddies, and grilling hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner. The adults enjoyed an episode of Bone and Shadow each evening after the kids were in bed, and a 300 piece puzzle, perfect for a group of four to finish in one evening.
Before we knew it, it was our 3rd wake up and time to pack up and head home. Jack and I were sharing hugs that morning when I told him, "Jack, you make my heart happy!" And his gleeful reply? "Grandma, you make my elbows laugh!"
We returned home with some sand in our vehicles, a few rocks from the beach, and precious memories to last us until our next vacation house excursion.