Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Slice of Life: This Moment

I've been struggling with writing each week ever since the end of March's Slice of Life. Sometime during this past week, I remembered a padlet where I have saved mentor slices. So I visited it and chose Elisabeth's This Moment slice as today's mentor text. Go read hers, it's exceptional!

Son-in-law ladles leftover Chicken Tikka Masala into turquoise freezer cubes, scraping every last bit of delicious sauce from the red pot on the stove. Drawers open and close with a gentle swish as he pads about the kitchen in sock feet. Final dinner pots are washed and set on the drainer cloth to air dry.

Daughter's voice reading aloud to Jack and Robby floats down the hallway from the boys' bedroom followed by her voice singing one of four songs the boys request at bedtime.

The Book That Kibo Wrote sits on the kitchen table, evidence of Ollie's earlier read aloud with Grandma and Grandpa.

Daughter and son-in-law escape for a quick game of pickle ball. I finish my slice and reach for my phone to continue listening to next week's book club selection, currently at 29% finished with 9 hours, 59 minutes, and 03 seconds remaining.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Poetry Friday: Being With Trees


Poetry Friday was hosted on Friday by Michelle Kogan. Be sure to pop by and read the poems she shared on her Birthday Bash post which includes poems by several of my favorite poets.

When I visited a new-to-me branch library about a month ago, I picked up Hannah Fries small book, Being with Trees: Awaken Your Senses to the Wonders of Nature. It has sat in my book basket for several weeks until Friday when I picked it up in search of a poem to share. The cover of the book has the words Poetry, Reflections, and Inspiration. The book is divided into four sections: Breathe, Connect, Heal, and Give Thanks, It's filled with beautiful illustrations.

A favorite poem was opposite a page that explained how Edna St Vincent Milly spent the last half of her life from 1925 to 1950, at Steepletop, her estate in Austerlitz, New York. Isn't Steepletop a wonderful name for an estate?

Here's are lines from Edna St. Vincent Millay's poem that is featured in Being with Trees (p. 161):

And as I looked a quickening gust 

Of wind blew up to me and thrust

Into my face a miracle

Of orchard-breath, and with the smell, - 

I know not how such things can be! -

I breathed my soul back into me.

                                 - Edna St. Vincent Millay

And then I fell down a poetry rabbit hole. It turns out the lines come from her poem, "Renascence" which I must have studied  and have long since forgotten in American Literature in college. I not only located the poem, but read an extensive  Poem Guide provided on Poetry Foundation. And that my friends, is just one of my excuses for posting two days late.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Slice of Life: Tuesday Adventures with Grandma and Grandpa

 Once I finish the March Slice of Life Writing Challenge, I find it hard to find something to say once a week. I wrote one slice in April and now I'm aiming for two in May. 

We had a lovely play date today. We started at one playground, ambled around the Arboretum (my first time there), stopped to enjoy a snack, started a book we found at The Little Free Library, explored the sun dial, scootered on the smooth and spacious and shady sidewalks, collected specimens, and spent the last half hour swinging at a second playground. Everyone knows that I love to document my walks and adventures, so here is the illustrated version of our morning with two of our four grand boys. Next fall we'll be down to one grandson because big brother starts kindergarten. Oh how fast the years fly by!

First playground

 Brothers on butterfly bridge
View from the stone wall where we had morning snack
Not enough wind to ring the chimes

 Reading the sundial
 Riding scooters
Gorgeous blossoms
Collecting specimens
Last swing of the morning 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Spiritual Journey Thursday & Poetry Friday: Growth

 Jone Rush MacCulloch, our May host for Spiritual Journey Thursday, invited us to write about growth. Buffy Silverman is hosting Poetry Friday with a Snakey Edition. I composed this haiku to do double duty for SJT and PF.


Spring celebrates green

new growth erupts from brown limbs

fresh hope fills our hearts


I also wanted to share the poem "How It Might Continue" which I discovered in How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope edited by James Crews.


How It Might Continue by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Wherever we go, the chance for joy,

whole orchards of amazement—


one more reason to always travel

with our pockets full of exclamation marks,


so we might scatter them for others

like apple seeds.

You can read the rest of the poem here


I adore the varied shades of green that fill our spring days with gladness and cheer and hope. Join me in a stroll trhough these pics of green glory snapped over the years on my springtime walks.

The last two photos were taken in grandson Jack's first grade classroom
where I shared poems from my many pockets during poetry month.