Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Slice of Life: Tuesday Adventures with Grandma and Grandpa

 Once I finish the March Slice of Life Writing Challenge, I find it hard to find something to say once a week. I wrote one slice in April and now I'm aiming for two in May. 

We had a lovely play date today. We started at one playground, ambled around the Arboretum (my first time there), stopped to enjoy a snack, started a book we found at The Little Free Library, explored the sun dial, scootered on the smooth and spacious and shady sidewalks, collected specimens, and spent the last half hour swinging at a second playground. Everyone knows that I love to document my walks and adventures, so here is the illustrated version of our morning with two of our four grand boys. Next fall we'll be down to one grandson because big brother starts kindergarten. Oh how fast the years fly by!

First playground

 Brothers on butterfly bridge
View from the stone wall where we had morning snack
Not enough wind to ring the chimes

 Reading the sundial
 Riding scooters
Gorgeous blossoms
Collecting specimens
Last swing of the morning 


  1. What a lovely day you had. The big smile in that last picture says it all. Arjeha

  2. Precious moments together. We are going to our daughter's place this month end. They live in Germany. we are waiting to be with our grandchildren :)

  3. It really was a lovely day! Happy memories for all of you!

  4. What a lovely day! The flowers are so beautiful too. I know just what you mean about struggling to write once a week after the daily challenge is done. I don't know why I find it so much more difficult to write just once a week instead of every day, but for whatever reason, I do!

  5. What an idyllic day, Ramona! The photos are fabulous. The boys are growing so, so fast - as are my granddaughters. Every possible moment of togetherness is to be savored. About writing - one year, I managed a post every day. And then I maybe four in the entire year following - ha. Life is so daily! Writing it is a unique gift - extra living. :)
