our February SJT gathering with
the theme of Life's Colors.
Our host for this month asked us to reflect on the color(s) we project to others, colors that act as a guiding light. My mind immediately went to my favorite color, yellow! I hope that I project the warmth and welcoming qualities of yellow to others that I meet. When I think of yellow, I think of sunshine and how happy we are when it arrives after a few days or a week of gray and gloom. My daughter had a yellow bedroom that I gladly claimed when she left home for college. Our new home has a yellow kitchen and a yellow front door. Both seemed to be fortuitous signs that we should rent this house.
When I think of yellow, I immediately think of light which was my OLW for 2020. Little did I know when I selected it as my word for the year, how much I would need light in 2020. I've collected a few of the things I've shared on my blog through the years to shed yellow (and light) for your day.
First of all, a favorite verse: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105) A podcaster I enjoy, Emily Belle Freeman, suggests that we have a protection scripture for times of trouble. This verse is in the running for mine.
My favorite hymn and one I want sung at my funeral (Could we just sing hymns for the entire service?):
"The Lord is my light; then why should I fear?
By day and by night his presence is near.
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin;
This blessed assurance the Spirit doth bring.
The Lord is my light;
He is my joy and my song.
By day and by night
He leads, he leads me along."
Here's an etheree (10 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 syllables) that I wrote for Poetry Friday in 2020:
my one
little word.
I seek moments
of shine to turn my
heart toward gratitude.
I seek friends with hope filled hearts
to lighten our walk through the dark.
I seek Jesus, the source of all light,
who succors and sustains my quest for Light.
- Ramona Behnke
My daughter, Sara, created this light visual for my desk!
I was inspired by another blogger to try a pensee poem, a poem that uses syllabic form with no specific meter or rhyme. This was my slice of life on March 29, 2015.
"syllabic count 2-4-7-8-6;
line 1 is the subject;
line 2 gives description;
line 3, action;
line 4, the setting;
line 5, final thought."
Light of the world
Redeems my soul,
lifts me up
Yesterday, today
and always
Teach me to walk in
- Ramona Behnke
Image taken at the Chihuly Garden and Glass, February 2015.
On a drive yesterday, I started thinking about other colors that guide my life, that truly make a bouquet of loveliness and light. First, green because I love all the varied shades of green that appear in the springtime. And I love trees because they encourage me to look heavenward. And then blue and white, the perfect ingredients for a gorgeous daytime sky. May you walk in yellow (sunshine & Sonshine) and revel in the greens, blues, and whites of our gorgeous world.
I am grateful for each of you who bring light to my days
with your writing as we gather each month.