Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Slice of Life: This Is Progress?

Normally I do not answer calls from numbers I do not recognize. For some odd reason, I picked this one up. It was from a pharmacy I've never used, asking for my address so they could mail my prescription. 

I replied, "You're not my pharmacy."  

They countered, "Your insurance covered it. All you have to do is pay $15."

I replied, "Cancel it. I did not order medication from your pharmacy."

At this point, I connected to my chart, virtually, to look at my preferred pharmacy list. My mail order pharmacy and my local pharmacy were not there. Instead, this pharmacy that called me was listed on my chart. 

In an attempt to be a good digital citizen, I drafted a message to my provider, explaining the situation. But the "powers that be" would not let me to send the message.

Sigh! Back to the telephone.

After looking up my new provider's phone # (and entering it in my contacts), I called the office. 

Lucky for me, it was not a long wait until someone answered. I explained the problem, she replied that she saw my two pharmacies on my profile, and I insisted that is not what I was seeing on my end. 

After a bit, she replied, "Oh, I see what "she" did."

With a few more back and forth comments, my preferred pharmacies were changed back to the correct ones. Now let's hope that "she" doesn't access my chart any time soon.

More than half an hour after I had donned my coat to take a walk, I finally pulled the door closed behind me. I heard a message ding, glanced at my phone, and saw that my mail order pharmacy had received the order.

Whew! Sometimes I long for the good old days.


  1. My husband and I annoyingly call that "Administrative Ca Ca." He gets especially annoyed when things like this take away from his work day. It's good that you could get an actual person on the phone.
