Friday, June 7, 2024

Poetry Friday: Four Things Friday!

1.  I open my phone to see a new podcast link from NPR"S Book of the Day featuring US Poet Laureate Ada Limon. Come back to listen for a weekend treat!

2. I click on and find this serendipitous quote by Ada Limon on the home page:

"Poetry offers us that silence—that quiet space."

—Ada Limón, United States Poet Laureate

3. I locate poems by Limon on Check out one of my favorites, "The Raincoat."

4. I invite you to my Friday Festivities in honor of post 1,400! Cue the confetti!


Tracey has this week’s Poetry Friday roundup at Tangles & Tales.


  1. Ramona, what serendipity between you and Ada Limon! I love that poem! I relate to that realization about my parents once I became an adult. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Ramona, a celebration continues all weekend with all that you offer. I shall enjoy the interlude of silence in the warmth of sunshine.

  3. Ada Limon is a wonder. Thank you for sharing "The Raincoat," and congratulations on all your posts!

  4. I've read "The Raincoat" before, but it still brings a tear to my eye! Congrats on reaching 1, 400!

  5. Yes! Someone shared this poem last week, and I loved it! Perhaps my favorite Limon poem I've read...congrats, Ramona--1400 strong!

  6. Oh, I love Ada Limón and shared "The Raincoat" just last week. It's so lovely, Congrats on 1400!
