Friday, June 21, 2024

Poetry Friday: An Illustrated Haiku

I am slowly building up my walking stamina by adding a few more steps each day. This week, I reached the bridge and crossed the lake.


 lake mirrors June blue

 white blossoms reflect beauty

morning walk speaks peace

-Ramona Behnke 

Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference is hosting our Roundup this week. 

Come join the fun!


  1. Ramona, what a lovely haiku. I can imagine you out walking, gathering peace and photographs. Such a peaceful post. I love the blue mirrors in the water.

  2. What a beautiful place to walk to! I'm glad you made it there and found peace.

  3. There is nothing more peaceful than being out in nature, Ramona! Your pictures and words say it well! Good for you for increasing your walking!

  4. Good on you! Step by step, day by day. And such a beautiful reward for your endeavours. (I am in love with blue and green and a puff of clouds.)

  5. I'm with you in writing short poems to go with nature photos!

  6. "morning walk speaks peace" — that's lovely.

  7. What a great prescription for stamina-building: walking with haiku! Beauty inspires love for both!

  8. Lovely, Ramona. Hope your healing continues!

  9. A lovely pairing of word and image. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Lovely lines. I love "Lake mirrors June blue."

  11. I had haiku in my soul this week, too! The perfect way to capture the healing power of nature.

  12. Ramona, the haiku and beautiful photos impart such a deep peace... I can linger here a long while. There's also something so inherently poetic about reaching the bridge and crossing the lake. Such a metaphor for reward - kudos to you for building up your stamina, health, and wellness by a few steps each day!
