Friday, October 18, 2024

Poetry Friday: An Illustrated Poem for #writeout

Head over to Matt's blog, Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme,
for this week's round-up of poetic goodness.

This collection of images and words come from my almost daily walks. Fast walking is never my goal. Instead I savor slow walks with plenty of time to notice what's around me. I love these lines from Mary Oliver's poem, "Sometime":

“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.” 



A walk outside is

 so much more than steps to be counted.

A red mushroom pops up,

delicate webs sway in the breeze,

white blossoms cascade,

lush green frames a weathered pedestrian bridge,

a lone goose honks from misty morning waters,

Jack Frost begins his autumnal tasks,

summer lingers in pink and yellow,

a circular snail shell appears on a bumpy sidewalk,

still blue water reflects morning clouds and sun.


Treasures freely delivered,

a daily dose of awe.


-Ramona Behnke

#writeout 2024

1 comment:

  1. Ramona, I started reading your calming poem last night and fell asleep so this morning the post was waiting for me. I love what you did to share the beauty of the season. I enjoyed the walk and seeing earth in beautiful surroundings. Mary Oliver said it right and you provided the pictures and poetic goodness to make it so. “Pay attention. - Be astonished. - Tell about it.”
