Monday, May 18, 2015

One of Those Days!

Today I join my fellow bloggers in "serving up a slice" 
to the Tuesday Slice of Life (SOL) community.
Thanks to Stacey, Tara, Betsy, Dana, Beth, and Anna
for hosting this meeting place each Tuesday 
                                                      and nurturing our writing lives.

Last Tuesday on my surprise day off from SBAC testing, I ran errands and then decided to join a friend for a quick late afternoon walk.  Both of us needed to pick up some groceries so I stopped by her place, and we headed to the south end for a walk before we shopped for a few items.  

We had a lovely walk and went our separate ways in the grocery store.  As I headed for the checkout lane, I realized that I was minus my wallet.  So I located my friend (who had already checked out) and asked her to keep an eye on my cart while I retrieved my wallet from the car. When it was not in the usual spot, I returned to the store and sheepishly asked my friend to pay for my groceries. 

I promised her that I would drive straight to my house to reimburse her.  Even though she protested that I could pay her back later, I wanted to take care of my debt right then.  I pulled up in front of my house, dashed in, quickly looked around, and didn't find my wallet.  That's when I remembered my earlier trip to Costco and recalled that I had dropped my purse in the trunk while loading the groceries.  So my wallet had been in the car after all!  

I retrieved $20 to repay my friend for the $18 dollars and something cents of groceries that she had just purchased for me.   In the few blocks between our houses, she began to calculate the amount she owed me.  I told her that I wouldn't take it and took the receipt out of her hand.  She replied that she had already memorized the amount and planned to put it on my porch in pennies. We were still squabbling over this when I dropped her off at her house.  

I headed for home, but several blocks later I heard my phone ringing in the back seat.  Thinking that it might be my husband offering to pick up the same items I had just purchased, I pulled off the road, opened the door to locate my phone and began laughing.  For there in the back seat were my sack of groceries AND my friend's sack of groceries.  Suddenly I knew who was on the phone. Sometimes a quick walk can take a bit longer than you planned, especially when you and your friend share a habit of forgetfulness!


  1. So, so funny, Ramona. I guess you could say you are 'two peas in a pod', right? Glad you had some fun, and a slice, out of this quick walk.

  2. Ramona, is there humor in our stories because they both have a similar title and a tale. Wow! I never thought anyone else would have just one of those days. LOL!

  3. You sound like a Lucy and Ethel routine. What a crack up!

  4. One of those days!!! LOL!!!

  5. You had me concerned when your wallet was not located immediately, but relief when you found it. I had to laugh at your ending. Some days can shake up the routine.

  6. I love how this story unfolds. Sometimes the day just happens that way. Glad your wallet wasn't lost!

  7. Funny! I was expecting an unexpected ending, but not one as good as will have something to laugh over for some time to come, Ramona.

  8. Oh, I wasn't expecting that! So funny. I bet you both had a good laugh after that!

  9. What a great story. It brought a smile to my face.

  10. WHAT A GREAT STORY of two people so focused on each other they forgot themselves!
    This was such a wonderful well written tale. LOVED IT!

  11. Fun read! Really made me smile!
