How can the first two months of 2019 be (almost) over?
I miss linking up with our Celebrate This Week group, but
love looking back at life's joys. I have good intentions to write a celebrate post each month, but since I missed January, here I am celebrating both wintry months together. I just realized that some of these pics are repeats from earlier posts. Oops!
Jack got his first haircut just in time for
his 2nd birthday!
Visits to Grandma's library always
include time to hang out with the giant
bunny out front and the boy reading too!
Glad I was home for the first one, but happy
to be out of the country for the second
much larger snow. (More about my trip to Italy
during March's marathon month of writing slices.)
Love these Valentine Day
pics of sweet Teddy!

Jack got his first haircut just in time for
his 2nd birthday!
Visits to Grandma's library always
include time to hang out with the giant
bunny out front and the boy reading too!
A lovely January sunset from Slater Park!
February's snow events were unprecedented!Glad I was home for the first one, but happy
to be out of the country for the second
much larger snow. (More about my trip to Italy
during March's marathon month of writing slices.)
Love these Valentine Day
pics of sweet Teddy!
Teddy always manages to head to the museums for
some indoor fun with friends (and Mom too)!
Daughter-in-law Stefi and girlfriends
took kids (sans Dads) for a whirlwind
week of fun in Williamsburg!
Loved my time in the exhibit
hall during NCTE 2019 in Seattle.
I showed admirable restraint - only one
backpack and three bags filled with books!
some indoor fun with friends (and Mom too)!
Daughter-in-law Stefi and girlfriends
took kids (sans Dads) for a whirlwind
week of fun in Williamsburg!
Loved my time in the exhibit
hall during NCTE 2019 in Seattle.
I showed admirable restraint - only one
backpack and three bags filled with books!
Much to love here, Ramona,and to celebrate. I do love seeing pictures of those boys! Have fun with SOLC!