Saturday, August 15, 2020

Sharing Our Story: Serendipity Arrived!

The request arrived via an email from a friend who knows me well. We met as young moms in Texas. We are both teachers. We supported each other through our second pregnancies. We spent countless hours in the company of each other because her husband traveled and mine worked many hours. We volunteered at the local elementary school. We alternated weeks for a day of summer camp at each other's houses so we could have some time to ourselves. Her daughter headed off to middle school the year before my son did. My friend blazed trails ahead of me and was always available to brainstorm when a new parenting concern arose. And then we moved from Texas to Washington the summer of 1997. And now both of us are navigating being grandmothers at the same time.

So when she sent a text requesting book help, I wanted to help. Her son and daughter-in-law are working from home, as so many are now. He needs a child's bedroom for his office. Did I know of any children's books that portrayed opposite sex siblings sharing a bedroom? I didn't, but I scoured my bookshelves. I asked the librarian for help. And I came up with next to nothing, just one book about a lovely sibling relationship, but no reference to their room. 

So it was with sheer delight that I recently opened a book from my latest library pickup and found the perfect example for my friend and her son's family. I'm not sure how I stumbled upon this book, probably from someone's recommendation since I'm not familiar with the author or illustrator (except that when I read the back flap, I discovered that the illustrator is author/illustrator of one of our favorites, The Digger and the Flower).

Here are the words from the front flap: "This lyrical bedtime story celebrates the wondrous bounty of the natural world and the intimate family moments we share each night."

And here are the pages that make this a perfect fit for my friend in search of a book that portrays opposite sex siblings sharing a room. 

And I also love that an earlier two page spread shows the children kneeling in prayer. I'm celebrating that I was lucky to find the perfect book for my friend and her son's family. You never know when the right book will arrive to address your latest need!

To savor the magic of story, join the fun by linking your story at Sharing Our Stories.


  1. You sent a wish to the universe and the universe answered. Great that you can recommend the just right book for your friend. I think it is wonderful that you supported each other as moms and now do the same as grandmas.

  2. I love when you can find a book that helps solve the problems. It's just the best.

  3. You probably would have read this book and enjoyed it, but the siblings would not have leapt off the page. I think when we have a need we notice details like that. Just like before I bought a red car, I didn't notice them. After I had a red car, I seemed to be surrounded by red cars. What a delight to find just the right book for this friend!

  4. How fortunate to find the right book for your friend. Ramona, being a reader had its rewards! Looking forward to PF at your site,
