Friday, June 2, 2023

Spiritual Journey Thursday and Poetry Friday: Radiance Among the Flowers

One of our favorite playgrounds/parks in our area is Rhododendron Park, about a half mile from our current home. However, we moved here in the middle of summer last year, so I failed to see it in springtime splendor, Things have been a bit busy with the upcoming move (daughter and family moved into our place so they could get their house on the market). I was afraid that I might have missed prime blossom time. I stopped by last Friday and spent a wonderful hour wandering through the park and snapping pics,

I love these lines from Joy Harjo's poem "Remember."

"Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their
tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them,
listen to them. They are alive poems."

I am grateful to have walked among alive poems this past week. Join me for this radiant ramble through Rhododendron Park.



And because I revel in the baker's dozen, here's the 13th picture of springtime splendor, taken in our front yard yesterday.


These lines from Wendell Barry's poem "The Peace of Wild Things" sum up my love affair with nature: 

"And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light.

For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free."


Our Spriritual Journey host for this week is Dave at Leap of Dave who shares ruminations on the church. Check out Dave's thoughts on how "the church and the post office are really about one thing, the same thing, and that thing is delivery." 

I took Dave's invitation to heart "to write about anything you like." Anytime I write about nature, I remember my dear friend, Jan Orme. She was my walking buddy for years. Her interest was always trees, mine lay in blossoms. She indulged my frequent stops to snap pics and revel in wonder at the splendor of the natural world. This post with its pics and poems is dedicated to my dear friend Jan. Any time I walk, I remember her.

Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect is hosting Poetry Friday this week.


  1. Thank you for all the beauty, Ramona--I'm glad you didn't miss it!

  2. I would love to go there! Thank you for sharing your visit with us. Good advice from Joy Harjo to "remember."

  3. Ramona, I love the idea of "alive poems". The pictures capture the beauty of the park. You can't help feeling at peace with such beauty surrounding you.

  4. Hard to believe you're moving again. A nephew just moved to NC last year! And glad you were able to see all this flowering splendor, Ramona, love the thought of "alive" poems!

  5. Ramona, may your beautiful, peaceful walks and photos continue to bring us peace and the promises that nature keeps. Everytime I see your love of nature, I think of a blossoming friendship that we have. I shall remember all this peace and more.

  6. A riot of rhododendron!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful walk. I have yet to compose my thoughts for Spiritual Journey - but I love the metaphorical connection I am making with yours and Dave's message of "Delivery is the message."

  7. Beautiful flowers, beautiful quotes, beautiful tribute to your friend.

  8. Gorgeous photos and thoughts, Ramona. Thank you! Lovely way to remember your friend.
