Today I join my fellow bloggers in "serving up a slice"
to the Tuesday Slice of Life (SOL) community.
Thanks to Stacey, Betsy, Beth, Kathleen, Deb, Lisa, Melanie, and Lanny
for hosting this meeting place each Tuesday and nurturing our writing lives.
I wish I were one of those slicers who looked to March with elation and excitement. There's a little of that, but there's also a lot of fear and trepidation. Can I actually do this again? (This is my sixth year to participate.) One thing I know for sure is that without the inspiration I receive from fellow slicers, I couldn't do it. When I'm stumped for something to write about, I stop and read a few slices. And before long, a topic for my own writing emerges. It always works!
I have several concerns. I'm no longer teaching, so I feel that I have to search a bit harder for small moments to share. I find myself writing over and over about the same things - books, book clubs, grandsons (that's a new one since June and January, but it does pop up with ever increasing regularity), newspaper articles, and emerging spring. I wish I could report that I'm one of those slicers who plans ahead, sees March coming (it does always follow February), and has written several slices ahead of time. But that's not me. And one thing I've learned to do is to embrace who I am!
So sometimes, I'll be racing the clock, trying to beat the 9 o'clock deadline that comes far too quickly for those of us who live on the west coast. And sometimes I'll be scanning slices in search of inspiration for my own slice. Sometimes, I'll post a slice that isn't my best work. But you'll find me slicing away, every day of the month, and occasionally something emerges that is my best work. And I'm grateful for this community that trudges along with me through the muddy mess of my less than best writing so that I can uncover the occasional glimmer of writing that sings. Because my writing life is here - in the moments I share, in the reflections and poetry I pen, and in the challenges and celebrations of my ordinary life.