Saturday, April 18, 2015

Celebrate This Week

                               Join us each weekend for Celebrate this week with Ruth Ayres.  
 When we pause to celebrate, we find the joy.
Discover. Play. Build.
  A week filled with moments to celebrate and remember!

1.  A visit from a friend and a new book!
Patty's visit was perfect.  We shared hot cookies, cold milk, hugs, and tears.  
She gave us the book Cat Heaven, a new-for-me book and a forever keeper.
I think Hadley must love sleeping on God's bed, but I miss her every day.  

2.  A Monday departure!
Sara's Monday departure meant her May arrival is creeping closer.

3.  Thursday book club in the Gator Garden!
Construction on our campus makes finding an outdoor spot difficult.
One of our book club members suggested the Gator Garden.  
We loved writing, reading, and sharing poetry outside.    

4.  A Friday post!
Even though I had to whittle my list to six essential poetry books,
I followed up with a Poetry Friday post to expand the list.

5. A Saturday morning indulgence!
I let myself meander blogs for one hour before writing today's post.

6.  Saturday afternoon workshop today!
"Haiku and Painting:  Inspiring One Another
Join artist Molly Hashimoto and librarian Carrie Bowman
to discover ways that poetry, art, and nature mingle with delightful results."
I wish my blogger friends could join me, but I promise to report back.


  1. What a gift you gave yourself, Ramona=>I let myself meander blogs for one hour before writing today's post. Please let me know about the workshop you will attend. It sounds fascinating. Maybe it will give you a brilliant idea for the spring gallery I will create.

  2. I envy being able to read and write outside! We're getting closer to that, but still just a bit aways. Yesterday was gorgeous, upper 70s, but alas, it was a school day :) Warmer weekends are coming. Just not today!

  3. Sounds like a good, good week, Ramona, & this afternoon especially. Enjoy!

  4. What a good week! I think the weather must have played a role in our happier moods!

  5. Isn't it lovely to read various blog posts and be inspired by the musings and thoughts of others? Have a lovely week!
