Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Slice of Life 18/31: Best Hack Ever

Word Press and I tangled last night. I couldn't leave my link for Day 17. After numerous attempts, I conceded and Word Press won.. Perhaps the late hour and a day of travel kept me from remembering the simplest fix. This haiku captures what worked this morning.

 Failed to remember

The easiest solution 

Restart computer


  1. This is our go-to at school. When something doesn't work, restart it! Glad you figured it out.

  2. Ah, if everything would be as easy as "restart a computer".

  3. Newtreemom
    Restart. We need it so often, how is it we forget it?

  4. I have had numerous battles trying to post my link, and then it sometimes posts twice. So frustrating - your haiku is a perfect and timely reminder!
