Sunday, March 16, 2025

SOL 16/31: I Love Libraries!

I love visiting the local library when I come visit the grands in Utah. I check out books and hope we'll have time to read all of them before I leave. 

Here's a quick preview of the picture books I checked out. 

 The Runaway Belly Button by John Flannery (Who can resist a title like this?)

Counting in Dog Years and Other Sassy Math Poems by Betsy Franco (Grandson Teddy and I took turns reading some poems in this book. "Fractions of Me" p.10 would make a wonderful mentor text.)

Line Leads the Way by Laura Purdie Salas (I couldn't resist this title from a familiar favorite poet. A wonderful fresh twist on shapes and why being perfectly imperfect is just the right job qualification.)

The Witness Trees by Ryan G. Van Cleave (Who am I kidding? I checked this one out for me because I adore trees.) 

Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens (As soon as I started reading this one, a personal favorite, to the girls, big brother joined us because he knew the story.)

May You Love and Be Loved: Wishes for Your Life by Cleo Wade ( I didn't get to share this one, but it's  a new personal favorite that I may need to buy.)

 Puff: All About Air by Emily Kate Moon (Breathe deep and sail like the wind, / with the sweetest puff of air in all the atmosphere.)

Becoming Real: The True Story of the Velveteen Rabbit (Another one I checked out because I wanted to read it.) 

I loved capturing the girls totally absorbed in reading their books after story time on Thursday!

March 16th is my favorite day of the March Slice of Life Challenge! We are more than halfway to the finish line.  


  1. Newtreemom
    I love picture books, especially discovering new ones! Great picture of Grandma reading! And the girls at the library!

  2. Yay for picture books! I can never get enough of them. I will have to look into some of those titles! Love the photos of you and your grandies reading.
