Tuesday, March 25, 2025

SOL 25/31: Seven Reasons I'm Slicing at 10 pm! Again!

 With only seven days left to slice, I bring you seven reasons why I'm posting at 10 pm!

1. I stripped my bed this morning and tossed the sheets in the washer (Tuesday's chore). Arrived in bedroom at 10 pm after watching a show with hubby, still needing to make the bed. I love fresh sheets, but hate making the bed at 10 pm.

2. I had a morning date with Ollie, a make up swim lesson.

3. I read many books with Ollie during morning snack and lunch. I love it when he says, "Read it again, Grandma."

4. I tried to track a package that hadn't been delivered. Ever tried the UPS Virtual Assistant? Take my advice and don't!

5. I baked chocolate chip cookies and delivered plates to three neighbors.

6. I tried a new recipe for dinner (prep always take me longer than the recipe states). And the recipe was meh (not a keeper).

7. I celebrated with my sister that her package finally arrived (our phone conversations lean toward chatty)!

And that my friends, are just a few of the reasons why I'm sitting here at 10:22 finishing today's slice. 

Math tip: Day 25 = 7 days left to slice (when you add the single digit 2 to the single digit 5).


  1. Isn't it crazy how that happens? Many times during this challenge I have written at the very end of the day and it's more stressful than it should be. I know what you mean when you get in your bedroom and then you suddenly have to do some work and you're tired. Good idea for a post.

  2. I love the math logic at the end of your slice! I am also a late slicer, even when I try to be otherwise. Part of it is geography (the deadline is 9:00pm where I live), and part of it is that my days, like yours, are always full of distractions. I'm glad you slide your slice in at the last minute today.

  3. This (I read many books with Ollie during morning snack and lunch. I love it when he says, "Read it again, Grandma.") and this (I baked chocolate chip cookies and delivered plates to three neighbors.) make perfect slices of any day.

  4. Your list becomes a series of mini slices that give us a glimpse into your day. I also hate when I end up making the bed at 10 pm. I admire you for slicing at 10 pm, because if I realized at 10 pm that I hadn't sliced, I might just have to quit the challenge because I would be so overwhelmed at the thought of coming up with a slice at bedtime!
