Saturday, March 8, 2025

Slice of Life 8/31: Eight Lines for Day 8

Conference weary

Eyes are bleary.

Lost an hour

Feeling dour.

Clothes are tumbling

I am fumbling.

Word count falls

My bed calls. 

This is my fourteenth year to participate in the March Slice of Life Challenge, writing every day during the month of March. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for creating this challenge and providing the space and support for us year after year. And thanks to this magnificent community for sharing stories with me and encouraging my writing life.


  1. The time change always makes me wonder where did that hour go? Did my dreams enter a portal and fast forward to now?

  2. This poem is such a little delight. And YES to feeling dour about losing an hour.

  3. The time change always gets to me and it takes a few days to get back on track. Not to mention what it does to the cats. Bob

  4. The 8 lines on the 8th are a delight to read, and you made it rhyme to boot! You prove that successful slicing does not have a word count minimum.

  5. You've captured conference life perfectly.
