Sunday, March 23, 2025

SOL 23/31: Looking Down, Looking Up

Yesterday I listened The Next Right Thing podcast by Emily P. Freeman, episode 359, The Spiritual Practice of Looking Up and Down. This week Emily talked about a spiritual practice that's helping her feel a bit more grounded. She explains that any practice can be a spiritual one if we do it with an awareness of God. Her practice involves taking a picture of her feet and then looking up to take a picture of the sky. This little practice involves pausing to look down at where she is right now and then also looking up at what's above her. Go listen to her podcast if you want to understand how this practice can be spiritually beneficial.

Just eight days ago I chronicled the snowy skies and bluebird days of Utah while I was visiting my son and his family. Back home in North Carolina, I bring you blossoms and joy in the wondrous arrival of spring. I never tire of walks to document the nature around me. As I began looking through my pictures, I realized that I often take pics of flowers on the ground and pics of trees while looking up at the sky. It's not exactly the practice Emily Freeman does, but it does slow me down (and my fellow walkers). Here are a few pics from the past week capturing the arrival of spring. Come walk with me!



  1. Newtreemom
    Spring, glorious Spring!

  2. So much spring! So much beauty! I am glad you looked up and down.

  3. I so enjoyed these photos of spring! I often take photos of nature on my walks (even just walking to and from my car in the parking lot at work!) and I hadn't thought of it before as a spiritual practice, but it is absolutely grounding and leads me to such deep appreciation for nature. So I think it's reasonable to consider that a kind of spiritual practice! Thank you for sharing.
