Friday, March 21, 2025

SOL & Poetry Friday: "You Can't Have It All "

I met a new poem last night. Introduced to me at a writer's gathering, I wondered why we'd never met. Here are a few lines from "You Can't Have it All" by Barbara Ras:

            " . . . And when adulthood fails you,

you can still summon the memory of the black swan on the pond

of your childhood, the rye bread with peanut butter and bananas

your grandmother gave you while the rest of the family slept."

Inspired by this poem, I wrote a pair of haiku so I can always summon this Fun Run day shared with two grandsons:


No blue sky blessing

 Banners snap, crack, and ripple

Cheers increase vigor


Arms link in friendship

 Children run, freeze, walk, cavort

Pure jubilation


- Ramona Behnke 


  1. I love your poem! In the few lines that a haiku provides, you paint such a picture of childhood. It immediately brought me back to days on the playground, running with my friends and playing tag games. Lovely!

  2. You captured the fun run experience with images and words. Happy memories

  3. Great haikus made me feel like I was at the racing event hearing the banner snap, crack and ripple. And Great action photos! :)

  4. Ramona, you captured the excitement of the Fun Run through your haikus and photos. Pure Jubilation!
