Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Helping Students Reflect on the Process

SOLSC  #28 - Slice of Life is sponsored every Tuesday by Stacey and Ruth from Two Writing Teachers.  For the month of March, I've joined the challenge to post a slice of life daily.

I'm in search of a way for my sixth grade students to reflect on the process of slicing for this past month.  I modified a handout provided by TWT for my students.  My goal was for every student to write 22 times (the number of days that we were in school during the month).  I provided time in class each day for writing.  Students who write on the weekends can qualify for additional levels of recognition.  I want my sixth grade students to reflect on the process, but I need some good questions to  guide their thinking.  Perhaps some of you who have sliced with your students can help me with some possible questions.   

Spring break starts on Friday for us.  Is this something I should have them do on Friday?  I'm inclined to have them do it after break, but I'm also wondering if they'll be so removed from the process by then that it would be better to do it this week.  My golden slicers will need to slice on Saturday (or sometime before returning to school) in order to qualify for the 31 days recognition, students who sliced some on the weekends will receive silver recognition and all students who sliced for 22 days will receive bronze recognition.  
Those of you who have done this with students, do you have any ideas for questions to guide 6th grade slicers in  reflecting on the process?  Should I do it Friday or after spring break?  Thanks for your help!


  1. Do it Friday! Your students have lived this for the last month...Go out with a celebration. What a wonderful accomplishment and spring break will seem even better for their hard work (just my opinion) :-)

    1. I'll do it! I'm cancelling the WOW (word of the week) test that was scheduled for Friday and we'll reflect and celebrate!

  2. I'm with it Friday while they still remember the slicing. But...bring treats and make a celebration!

    1. I picked up orange slices at the grocery store last night, and they were on sale for $1 a bag. A definite sign that we should celebrate Friday! I have a bigger celebration planned for later with a public gallery showing, but you can never have too many celebrations!

  3. CELEBRATE! :) This is fabulous that they have been slicing all this time. So wonderful! You could still do a slice after break to get back into writing too.
    Reflections - hmm....some quick ideas:
    What did you learn about yourself as a writer?
    What topics did you write about (go through and find patterns)?
    What piece do you feel proudest of and why?
    What strategies did you use when you were stuck?
    What would you suggest I do different with students if I repeat this challenge next year? What should I do the same?

  4. Dana, thank you for these great questions. I was feeling stuck in my slog to spring break. Now, with a little help from my online friends, I'm ready to celebrate and sprint to the finish!
