Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekly Wrap-up


Slice of Life is sponsored every Tuesday by Stacey and Ruth from Two Writing Teachers.  For the month of March, I've joined the challenge to post a slice of life daily.  
I spent the first hour after school with a student working on a writing assignment, and then I realized that I had never returned the meds from the field trip to the nurse's office (oops!), and then there were the field trip forms to turn in to the front office.  After that I remembered that I still hadn't posted the homework to the website.  I was trying my best to get out of there and hop on the treadmill before attending a student's play.
Then I realized that I hadn't checked email all day.  One click and a long list of unopened emails assaulted me.  Trying to stay in my "take care of priority business only" mode, I quickly scanned the list and noticed an email address from my classroom website that I didn't recognize.  Might be from a parent.   I better take a quick look.
My colleagues down the hall heard my squeals of delight!  The email was notifying me that I had won a Skype author visit with Katherine Schlick Noe from a blog that I follow.  So the next time you face a long list of unopened emails, remember there might be a hidden delight squirreled away in the middle.  Great way to end my week!

If you'd like the chance to hop on the Skype tour and win a visit from this week's featured author, check out this link - Mixed-Up Middle Grade Skype Tour.


  1. Congratulations! What fun for you and your students, and what a nice end to your hectic-sounding week!

  2. So many responsibilities, so little time. I loved your word choice (assaulted by emails creates a great visual) and "squeals of delight" I have experienced. A skype author visit will be so cool, congratulations!

  3. Isn't amazing just how many little details we have to remember in a day! What fun that you found a prize among your emails. :)

  4. Congrats. How fun to get an author visit!
