SOLSC #30 - Slice of Life is sponsored every Tuesday by Stacey and Ruth from Two Writing Teachers. For the month of March, I've joined the challenge to post a slice of life daily.
My daughter and her husband arrived on Wednesday for the last half of her Spring Break. It's so hard to go to school when my kids are in town. She wanted to go shopping right after school today. I promised her I would leave at 3:20. Then I opened my email, uh oh . . . I hadn't submitted the Field Trip Permission Slip for my Enrichment Day session. We had received numerous emails regarding the necessity of getting this form in before we left school for spring break! I called my daughter to let her know that I was just doing this one thing, and then I'd be home.
Shortly after 4:00, we were on our way to the mall. We looked at Dansko shoes (she starts her rotations in June), Eddie Bauer (she got a new top), and the makeup counter (I needed new foundation).

After a few stops at favorite stores (we're not hard core shoppers), we dashed over to University Books to drop off my student entries for their annual bookmark contest. And even though we had promised ourselves that we would get in and out in fifteen minutes, we were both drawn to the "90% off marked price" table. I love to shop this sale and then show my students my latest finds. At 90% off, you can't go wrong! I couldn't resist including a photo, the Linda Hoyt book was the most expensive at $3.56. Total cost for five fabulous books - $9.33 (less than the cost of last night's movie ticket to Hunger Games)!
Sounds like you had a fund day with your daughter.Your writing feels like we are sitting down drinking coffee and you are telling me about your day. Flows very naturally.