Saturday, March 30, 2024

SOL 30/31: Rounding Up Four Weeks of Slicing

I frequently do an analysis of the topics and types of writing I've done on the last day of March. This year I'll do it a day early since tomorrow will be an Easter slice. I arrived at a significant milestone this year. I missed not one, but two days of slicing! 

I had decided that I wouldn't participate this year since I was doing a lot of traveling in March. But I made the mistake of reading a few slices two days in and decided that I needed to participate. So I jumped in on March 3rd and have now completed 28 days of writing. 

The lesson I'm taking away this year is to never let perfect be the enemy of the good. A missed day does not mean you failed at slicing. It means you missed a day and picking up again is progress in the right direction.

Here's a breakdown of topics for my 2024 slices for March:

Travel slices - 9

Friend slices -7

Books/book club slices -6

Poem slices - 5

Grandchildren slices - 4

Borrowed ideas from other slicers - 4  (Top 3 Lists, Tricube, Double Etheree, Leigh Anne's Word Buffet))

Slices about slicing - 4 

Nature slices - 3

Technical challenge slices - 2

The total does not equal 28 slices because some slices filled more than one of the above topics/categories. I have one slice that received no comments (March 16), probably because it was around the time my commenting problems began and it wasn't rescued from spam until the following day. If you have slices that received no comments, let me know. I would be happy to stop by.

This is my thirteenth year to participate in the March Slice of Life. Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this challenge and providing the space and support for us year after year. And thanks to this magnificent community for sharing stories with me and encouraging my writing life.


  1. Interesting...I never thought about doing this but may look over my posts. Happy Easter! :)

  2. I like how you categorized them. It would be interesting to take a slice inventory and examine my writing territories--I love that term! I am so glad you decided to join. Although I never made it here every day, I could see in my personal feed that you had posted. For the first time ever, I have missed days. I just had a few days where I wasn't feeling it and two days I was at my sister's without my charger! I had one day of spam too. That was a first timer for me as well.
