Tuesday, March 5, 2024

SOL 5/31: Sunday Humor from a Six-Year-Old

We arrive for Sunday dinner at Grandma Barb's (my daughter-in-law's mom) with plenty of time for the grands to play and for the adults to visit while finishing dinner preparations. 

A certain seven-year-old is frustrated because he doesn't have his gloves and wants to play outside with the neighbor boy in the snow. He's supposed to always put his gloves in his coat pockets so they will be there when needed. He sulks outside the front door, refusing to come in., 

Some time later the six-year-old neighbor boy shows up with gloves for our pouting seven-year-old. All the adults praise the child with some variation of, "Wasn't that kind of him to share his gloves so you could play in the snow?"

Aforementioned six-year-old neighbor child replies, "I had no choice because my mom said I had to." 

Four adults struggle to keep straight faces. I reach for my phone to record his comment delivered with deadpan honesty and no indication whatsoever that what he said might be humorous.

This is my thirteenth year to participate in the March Slice of Life. Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this challenge and providing the space and support for us year after year. And thanks to this magnificent community for sharing stories with me and encouraging my writing life.



  1. Kids tell it like it really is rather than telling us what we think we want to know!

  2. This is the perfect "slice," a burst of life's flavor, that deadpan delivery!🧤

  3. Little ones are brutally honest! Love how you thought to capture the moment with a note in your phone - a girl after my own heart, lol.

  4. I love what comes from the mouths of babes! This is a fun story that evolved from misplaced gloves. Thanks, Ramona, for the laugh.
