Friday, March 8, 2024

SOL 8/31 and Poetry Friday: Celebrating Friends

I had fun creating a ten-line poem, one syllable per line ascending to ten syllables to capture yesterday's Three Rees (Three Retirees) gathering. The Three Rees are composed of three friends who used to work together in our middle school and vowed to stay friends. Once all three of us retired, we made sure to gather often. We even had pandemic gatherings outside and once in a covered parking garage during inclement winter weather so we could safely distance from each other. 

After my move to North Carolina, we've stayed in touch via frequent phone and Zoom calls. Yesterday's in-person gathering was delightful! There's nothing quite as soul-sustaining as hugging and chatting in-person.


three Rees


again after

seven months apart,

meet friend's grand niece, Iris.

Two-and-a-half-year old charms, 

excites, entertains our trio.

Next stop - lunch, laughter, chitter-chatter,

joyful scrapbook moments, treasured friendship.


Glad to offer up this etheree as my slice of life and my contribution to Poetry Friday. The poetry form, Etheree, consists of 10 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 syllables. Etheree can also be reversed and written 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

This is my thirteenth year to participate in the March Slice of Life. Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this challenge and providing the space and support for us year after year. And thanks to this magnificent community for sharing stories with me and encouraging my writing life. 

Happy to let this post do dual duty for Slice of Life and Poetry Friday. I've been an infrequent visitor to Poetry Friday lately. Laura Purdie Salas is hosting our round-up of poetic goodness this week. Check out her post where she shares her newest book, Oskar's Journey, and its transformation from prose to rhyme. 


  1. Ramona, what a wonderful trio! So nice that your friendship has weathered retirements and moves and that you still get together!

  2. My favorite detail was the time you met in a parking garage! I get it. And I love how the two year old happily invaded your gathering. So glad you three made this pact, its inspiring.

  3. How wonderful to commit to staying connected with friends--and then doing it! (I often have good intentions and poor follow-through.) I am sure it was extra delightful to get to see each other in person.

  4. Fun to gather again with old friends! Fun to put that into a poem as well.

  5. Ramona, what a special poem to capture this moment of the Three Rees meeting. Your friendship definitely sounds "soul-sustaining."

  6. Ramona, "joyful scrapbook moments" paints such a lovely picture! Thank you for sharing, and happy Poetry Friday!

  7. Ramona, it is always great to have a reunion with friends even during pandemic days. The use of the words, "joyful scrapbook moments' remind of the memories I used to record with my scrapbook. I think those words fit in nicely with your poem.

  8. This sounds so warm and cozy and delightful, Ramona--thanks for sharing it. I almost feel like I was there because of your poem :>)

  9. Aw, Ramona. Your LongFriend group is heartwarming. And I count syllable fun, to be groovy!

  10. Love the vision of three retirees gathering - very clever play with words! :)
