Friday, March 15, 2024

SOL 15/31: A Stroll through Slices on March 15th

I rarely write a slice ahead of time, but my book club retreat on Friday calls for me to plan ahead. I chose to glance back at my writing on March 15th through the years with an accounting of the main topics of my slices:

2012  Hope Springs Eternal - cockeyed optimist embraces new day (haiku)

2013  A Frenetic Slice - work first, then the reward

2014  Surrendering to Joy - a white flag slice or when a teacher surrenders

2015  Telling Our Story in Pics - book club retreat

2016  Cut from the Same Cloth as Uncle Frank - I don't even have an Uncle Frank!

2017  Parking Garage Blues (verse two) - Nightmare Parking at Bellevue Place

2018  Read by Numbers - How many books did I interact with in one day?

2019  A Call to Action - climate change on Poetry Friday

2020  Padlet Power - a post about being "padlet happy"

2021  I Went to Island Books - first in-person visit in over a year

2022  My RSVP - responding to Leigh Anne's invitation 

2023  Kitchen Memories - remembering the kitchen of my youth


# of Slices by Topic

Reading/ book love - 3 (no surprises there)

Poetry - 2 

Book club retreats - 2 

Memories of childhood - 1 

Adventure with a friend - 1

Classroom whistlers - 1

Padlet creations - 1

RSVP to a fellow slicer - 1 

If you'd like to read one of my more humorous slices about teaching, check out "A white flag slice" from ten years ago in Surrendering to Joy. It's just a paragraph long, but captures a joyful interlude from my classroom.


  1. Neat idea to look back through the years on a certain date to see where you’ve been in your writing on March 15. That’s quite a history you have!

  2. Wasn't it fun to create this post? I made a similar post the day before and I loved the time travel.

  3. What a great idea! I wonder how this might look in a word cloud…..

  4. A fascinating chronicle of posts on this day, Ramona - I laughed out loud at "I don't even have an Uncle Frank!"

  5. What a great idea for a post. I have told my self to look back to my early posts for idea but I never do. This was fun to see!

  6. Ooh, as a data nerd who also loves to write I LOVE this format! This is year 9 for me (I think?) and I’m going to add this to my mental filing cabinet of ideas to try.

  7. So March is a month for book club retreating, it sounds like. Enjoy! I loved reading about the whistlers in your classroom.

  8. I love this slice ... and I might grab this idea for later this month! It's fun to look back and see what we sliced about in the past.

  9. Ramona. this slice is filled with your memories and a fun-to-read post for me. I may even try creating one. I'm off to read your white flag slice.
